Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site


Prove the statement

  (P \implies Q) \> \not \equiv \> (Q \implies P).

By the definition of the conditional and the biconditional,

  (P \implies Q) & \equiv (Q \implies P)
  (\lnot P \lor Q)
  & \equiv (\lnot Q \lor P)
  (\lnot P \lor Q) \implies (\lnot Q \lor P) \big)
  & \land \big( (\lnot Q \lor P) \implies (\lnot P \lor Q) \big)
  \big( \lnot (\lnot P \lor Q) \lor (\lnot Q \lor P) \big)
  & \land \big( \lnot (\lnot Q \lor P) \lor (\lnot P \lor Q) \big),

which is not a tautology, as per

(not (tautology? (lambda (p q)
                   (and (or (not (or (not p) q))
                            (or (not q) p))
                        (or (not (or (not q) p))
                            (or (not p) q))))


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