Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site

Personal website

Welcome to my digital garage! ☺


[2025-02-21 Fri]Study the universal approximation theorem
[2025-02-21 Fri]Verify dimensionality of forward propagation
[2025-02-20 Thu]Study forward propagation in neural networks
[2025-02-18 Tue]Study the weight tensor used in deep learning
[2025-02-17 Mon]Explore the dolist and dotimes macros in Emacs
[2025-02-06 Thu]Add a note on keyboard macros in Emacs
[2025-02-06 Thu]Add a list of abbreviations
[2025-02-06 Thu]Split the note on Lua patterns

© 2025 Rudolf Adamkovič under GNU General Public License version 3.
Made with Emacs and secret alien technologies of yesteryear.