Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site

In-pattern class

A component of the item:

cmatches character c
c-dmatches characters in the range c through d
.matches any character
%a / %Amatches any / not letter
%c / %Cmatches any / not control character
%d / %Dmatches any / not digit
%g / %Gmatches any / not printable character but space
%l / %Lmatches any / not lowercase letter
%p / %Pmatches any / not punctuation character
%s / %Smatches any / not whitespace character
%u / %Umatches any / not uppercase letter
%w / %Wmatches any / not alphanumeric character
%x / %Xmatches any / not hexadecimal digit
[xxx] / [^xxx]matches the union / complement of class(es) xxx
%xxxescapes xxx magic character ^$()%.[]*+-?

© 2025 Rudolf Adamkovič under GNU General Public License version 3.
Made with Emacs and secret alien technologies of yesteryear.