Compute whether a given molecular statement is a tautology.
Search truth tables for the absence of ‘FALSE’ to identify tautologies.
Builds on ‘scheme/truth-table’.
<<scheme/truth-table>> (define (tautology? procedure arity) (not (member #f (map (lambda (row) (car (reverse row))) (truth-table procedure arity)))))
<<scheme/tautology?>> (unless (tautology? (lambda (p) (or p #t)) 1) (raise #f)) (unless (tautology? (lambda (p q) (or p q #t)) 2) (raise #f)) (unless (tautology? (lambda (p q r) (or p q r #t)) 3) (raise #f)) (when (tautology? (lambda (p) (or p)) 1) (raise #f)) (when (tautology? (lambda (p q) (or p q)) 2) (raise #f)) (when (tautology? (lambda (p q r) (or p q r)) 3) (raise #f)) "tests passed"
tests passed