Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site

Key bindings: Local

The important keys Isearch binds in its isearch-mode-map:

C-ssearch forward
C-rsearch backward
C-q C-jinsert newlinequoted with C-q
M-eedit search string
M-rtoggle between literal and regexp searchalso M-s r
C-wextend match to word at point
C-M-zyank until characterlike zapping
M-s M-<go to first match
M-s M->go to last match
M-s opreview all matchesruns occur
M-s .search for symbol pointdot as in xref
M-s for region or thing at pointdot as in xref
M-s itoggle search invisible (e.g. folded)

Note. To jump to the beginning of the match when searching forward, and vice versa, use ‘C-r’ and ‘C-s’, respectively.



RET or any non-Isearch key.

© 2025 Rudolf Adamkovič under GNU General Public License version 3.
Made with Emacs and secret alien technologies of yesteryear.