Weight tensor
A rank-3 tensor with all neuron weights in a neural network:
W^{[i]} =
w^{[i](1)}_{1} & \cdots & w^{[i](n)}_{1} \\
\vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\
w^{[i](1)}_{p} & \cdots & w^{[i](n)}_{p}
\in \mathbb{R}^{p \times n}
- \(w^{[i]}\) are all weights in the \(i\)-th layer
- \(w^{[i]}_j\) are all weights in the \(j\)-th neuron in the \(i\)-th layer
- \(w^{[i](k)}_j\) is the \(k\)-th weight in the \(j\)-th neuron in the \(i\)-th layer
- \(w^{[i](k)}_j\) is the weight of the path from
- the \(k\)-th neuron in the \((i - 1)\)-th layer to
- the \(j\)-th neuron in the \(i\)-th layer
- \(i\) is the layer number
- \(p\) is the number of neurons in \(i\)-th layer
- \(n\) is the number of neurons in the \((i - 1)\)-th layer