Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site

Conjunctive normal form (CNF)

A molecular statement written as

a conjunction of disjunctions of possibly negated variables

TODO Literals.

\(\{ x_1, x_2, \ldots \}\) in the form

  \underbrace{(\ell_{11} \lor \ell_{12} \lor \cdots)}_{\textstyle c_1}
  \underbrace{(\ell_{21} \lor \ell_{22} \lor \cdots)}_{\textstyle c_2}
  \land \cdots,
  \text{with} \quad
  \forall (i, j), \> \quad \exists k
  \quad \text{such that} \quad
  \boxed{\ell_{ij} = x_k}
  \quad \text{or} \quad
  \boxed{\ell_{ij} = \lnot x_k},
where\(f\)is the formula in CNF,
\(c_i\)is the \(i\)-th clause of \(f\), and
\(\ell_{ij}\)is the \(j\)-th literal of \(c_i\).

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