Rudolf Adamkovič Personal site

Practice implementation

A clean-room implementation 9 of BFS in Elisp:

(defun my-breadth-first-graph-search (frontier neighbors goalp)
  "Perform depth-first search (DFS) on a graph.

All arguments are like those for `my-graph-search', which see."
  (let ((fifo #'nconc))
    (my-graph-search frontier neighbors goalp fifo)))
(defalias 'my-bfs-graph-search #'my-breadth-first-graph-search)


(let ((graph '((a b c d)
               (b a e i)
               (c a f)
               (d a g l)
               (e b i j)
               (f c)
               (g d k l)
               (i b e)
               (j e)
               (k g)
               (l d g)))
      (my-graph-search-debug t))
  (princ (format "Solution: %s\n"
                  (lambda (path) (alist-get (car path) graph))
                  (lambda (path) (eq (car path) 'f))))))
Search: (a)
Search: (b a)
Search: (e b a)
Search: (j e b a)
Search: (i b a)
Search: (c a)
Search: (f c a)
Solution: (f c a)



Based on the implementation of the generic search, which see.

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Made with Emacs and secret alien technologies of yesteryear.